
MN4MN Runway Show

In August I submitted an entry to do a dress for the new fashion show MN4MN through my job with Target Corp.  I had about a month and a half to get supplies and work through any problems.  Honestly I was super happy to do it, but the attention on me made it stressful (Target blog post).
Plus my parents came into town that was fun but I had to get everything prepped for them! AH!

Here is a bit of what I submitted as my initial ideas! Below is my finished garment!!
It was a blast to do!! Thank you Lisa Castro, Kirsten Berg, and Nicole Nordeen for everything!

me being awkward next to my model Meron!!

I haven't seen the professional images yet but I hope you liked!
Hope you guys enjoy!! See you next time my little creators!!



I love these looks they amaze me every time,  I am currently working on a dress for a fashion show which is why I haven't had any time to make a video for youtube (more to come on that!)
I just can't get enough of this look with the dresses with multiple patterns.
So of course I'm a visual person so here are some examples!
A Detacher

Lisa Marie Fernandez

Which type is your favorite? Let me know!
Hope you guys enjoy!! See you next time my little creators!!