

I went to New York City this past weekend for memorial day.  I loved being just back in the action of the City, where people just enjoy being out of their small apartments and on the streets.  It included lots of food in Prospect park. Since it was raining we stayed in Brooklyn the first day.
We went to some cool thrift boutiques. I got a turq satin jacket from there!!

On sunday we went sight seeing to the statue of Liberty and Ellis Island!! It took us 5 hours to get through both but it was worth 18$ So if you have a week to spend there, I would go to it but if it's your first weekend there I would skip it.
After that adventure we went to eat at my favorite joint Benny's Burritos!!! So good I love not so expensive food plus some yummy Sangria! We walked around a lot after that and ran into a store called Shop Untitled.  I wanted EVERYTHING in that store.  It was well made and totally my style! (BLACK) I wasn't planning on dropping a lot of money on clothes, since I spent my money on clothes around Easter. However, I will keep this in mind as a must next time I go back!!  

Most of all I enjoyed spending some time with my old friend Emily.
She is currently working on a play called R Culture.  
I helped out with the font and the banner!!
There's only a few days to donate, you should help out!
Note most of these images are from google images other than the ones of me being silly, and the statue!

Family Portrait: Personal Project

I took on a project for a friend's graduation.  It isn't supposed to look photo real or hyper photo real. I didn't have time to really do any of that, I spent a week on this. I like the outcome of it and the style :) I'm not one to do portraits very often but I would like to work on that more!